Cycle of the Crow Wiki
Tanqen Coast
Tanqen Coast flag

Political information
Type Province
Head of state Sultan Sulahdun ar'Khun
Sharikh Tajirkan ar'Jhazzir
Banner A black dragon on green and blue
Region Western Khalihen
Points of interest Shion, Yanqu's Horn
Capital Khandish
Cities Shion, Khoidean, Sharqen, Tzaq, Xoyan

The Tanqen Coast is a province of the Sultanate of Khalihen, bordered by the Eldmarche to the north, Ilindriel to the west, and Tzantxol and Zengidir to the east.

The westernmost province of Khalihen, Tanqen largely consists of coastal plains and desert, and most of its settlements are built on the coast, with the exception of Sharqen and Khoidean. Its largest city is Shion, followed closely by Khandish. Two notable landmarks of Tanqen include the bay known as Serpent's Mouth, and the peninsula Yanqu's Horn.
